julia harrison

Julia Harrison is a writer and editor at Architectural Digest, living in Brooklyn, NY. She is the founder of saloon, a curated creative community & networking hub, and maintains a too-personal newsletter called orzo bimbo.

She has written and edited previously for Coveteur, the Sewanee Review, passerby, as well as a different newsletter for anyone interested in watching her post-grad meltdown in Sardinia. She has worked for magazines A Public Space and the Sewanee Review, in publishing for Melville House Books, in publicity for Press Shop PR, in partnerships for passerby, for two artist residencies: MacDowell and Nocefresca, and in admissions and curation for 19 months at Pratt Institute so she could afford living in New York and see doctors when it felt necessary.

She won the Tennessee Williams Award for creative writing at her alma mater, Sewanee; the University of the South, where she studied English and Classics.

She is gonna want to talk to you about your project: juliafharrison@gmail.com.